3rd West Wickham Scout Group 100 Club
You are invited to pay £12 for an annual share/ number (i.e. £1.00 a month) which is payable in advance. Every month a draw is made of eligible numbers and TWO cash prizes will be awarded. In June each year, the usual draw will be subsumed into a super prize draw held at the 3rd West Wickham Scout Group AGM. You can purchase as many numbers as you like but payment must be made in advance for the year (or pro rata for the remaining year if joining after November 2012). Terms and conditions of this club which includes details of the percentages allocated for prizes are available from Nicola Tunstall (details below) or on this website
If you are interested in joining please fill in your details below or contact Nicola Tunstall, 60 Bushey Way, Beckenham, Kent BR3 6TD. Tel no. 020 8249 8228 for more details. The more who join, the bigger the prize fund!
This is better odds than the lottery so have a go, get friends involved and good luck!
3rd West Wickham Scouts Supporters Committee.
Click here to see the rules of the 100 Club.